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Rapeseed honey

Rapeseed honey is the most common varietal honey in this country. No wonder, after all, the bright yellow rapeseed fields characterize our local landscape every spring. Rapeseed belongs to the cruciform family and originated in southeastern Europe. It is interesting that rapeseed used to be used as lamp fuel, but it could not be eaten.

That came much later, in the 1970s. Through certain breeds, it was possible to obtain rapeseed as a raw material on the one hand and to cultivate it as an edible food on the other.

Today, rapeseed is one of the most important crops of all. In this country, winter rapeseed is usually grown, sowing is carried out in August, so a robust root can be formed that can survive the winter without any problems.

The rapeseed begins to bloom in April at the latest – time for our spring feeling and time for the bees to fly to the bright yellow flowers. Rapeseed fulfils another important task: it supplies the small farm animals with the urgently needed energy after the winter.

By the way, it is quite exciting that rapeseed exerts an irresistible attraction on bees. If the insects are found near a rapeseed field, they hardly fly to other plants. This is because, firstly, they find plenty of nectar in rapeseed and, secondly, it has a high sugar content, so it tastes exceptionally good to the bees.

What is so special about rapeseed honey?

Rapeseed honey is an extremely healthy alternative to sugar and sweetener. It contains high-quality glucose and, like almost all blossom honeys, crystallizes quickly. An exception to this is acacia honey, which does not crystallize so quickly.

Immediately after harvesting and after spinning, rapeseed honey shimmers in a wonderful golden tone. Even after the resting period, which is necessary to bring the last remnants of wax particles to the surface, it is still of this consistency. But that changes quickly, because from now on the honey crystallizes rapidly.

In order to prevent the good rapeseed honey from turning into a board-hard mass, it is stirred. And touched. And touched. The bee product is stirred at least twice a day until it slowly becomes cloudy. This in turn is due to the high content of glucose, which forms tiny crystals.

These break open again and again when stirred, reduce in size and are thus distributed in the honey mass. Only when the honey is permeated with many small crystals does it become lighter again, then the time of bottling has come.

Occurrence and peculiarities

From the flat land high up in the north to deep in the south of the country, the rapeseed fields bloom in April / May. It is a herbaceous plant that should not be planted for two consecutive years. Rapeseed is a typical, so-called “mass costume” in this country.

Of course, there is organic rapeseed honey, but since the animals fly within a radius of up to three kilometers, it is not certain that they will also bring home the nectar of the organic rapeseed plants. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to organic quality, not only for rapeseed honey, but also for buckwheat honey, heather honey, thyme honey and whatever they are called.

The taste

Rapeseed honey is a sweet feast and especially children like the light, almost white honey very much. It tastes very mild and contains a fine aroma. Due to the creamy consistency, the honey feels very delicate and sweet in the mouth.

How can you use rapeseed honey?

As already mentioned, it is a wonderful sweetener. Whether in tea, as a sugar substitute in dessert or for an extraordinary touch in a salad – this type of honey is a real all-rounder.

A real highlight is the use of the light honey in the natural yoghurt – you have to try it: natural yoghurt, some fresh fruit and this honey – heavenly.

Honey as a home remedy?

While there is no scientific research on its healing properties, this type of honey is generally considered a tonic. It contains a number of minerals, many vitamins and healthy glucose. Of course, all honey is considered healthy, but organic rapeseed honey provides the organism with high-quality substances.

Buy good rapeseed honey

The high-quality rapeseed honey already convinces visually with its almost white color. Its origin lies in the north of Germany on the Baltic Sea, where the harsh winds and fertile soil ensure robust plant growth. It tastes mild, sweet and highly aromatic. The rapeseed honey is offered in a 500-gram jar.


Rapeseed honey is a genuine varietal honey that is one of the most frequently obtained blossom honeys. It has a fine, creamy consistency and tastes sweet with a mild aroma. It is harvested quite early in the year, because the first rapeseed fields are already in full bloom from April and provide the bees with plenty of food and energy after winter.

The honey gets its creamy shape from regular stirring, which ultimately gives it its bright color. Rapeseed honey is one of those varieties that literally “melts” on the tongue – an incomparably delicious delicacy on the breakfast roll. Or as a sweetness in tea. In yoghurt? Maybe in dessert? Or, or, or – you’re going to have to try it to share that enthusiasm.

Take a small amount before use to prevent against any allergic reactions.

Weight 0,5 g


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