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Arthro Elast

Our joint nutrition unit is a comprehensive solution to support the health of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones and connective tissue in the musculoskeletal system. It is suitable both for prevention and therapeutic support. We use a unique combination of royal jelly and collagen peptides to strengthen joints. This is supplemented by magnesium and natural vitamin C from acerola cherries. In addition, glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, rosehip and field horsetail are included, which are a valuable source of natural silica. With this total package, you can promote mobility in all areas of active living and achieve optimal joint health.

We have designed a unique total package for the musculoskeletal system that follows the principle from nature: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. The individual ingredients work synergistically to address not only cartilage metabolism, but also to support the synovial fluid (synovium) and supportive structures such as connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. We take advantage of the fact that bee products work at the cellular level by specifically supplementing royal jelly with other natural products from the animal and plant world.

Here, we build on important pillars of joint research:
First, we use royal jelly and bovine-derived collagen peptides to address cellular metabolism around collagenization. These are an essential component of the cartilage structure and can be readily absorbed by the body.
Secondly, chondroitin and glucosamine are important cornerstones for the storage in cartilage metabolism and its quality.
Thirdly, our formula contains hyaluronic acid, the main component of the joint fluid (synovia) and in connective tissue. With its high viscosity (thick fluid), it is considered our “honey of the joints”.
Fourth, we use plant allies such as rosehip and field horsetail (natural silica).
Fifth, magnesium and natural vitamin C from acerola cherries ensure that everything works together in an orderly fashion.
Although we cannot stop aging, we can all influence the quality of aging, which ultimately gives us a better quality of life.

Important Note
It is important to note that individuals taking coumarin anticoagulants (drugs used to inhibit blood clotting) should inform their physician before taking products containing glucosamine.

Recommendation for use
1 sachet (= 1 daily portion of 9.5 g) can be mixed in a glass of water, juice or smoothy of about 150 ml.

Cure Recommendation
At least 30-120 days or as needed
Do not exceed the stated recommended daily use. Please do not use this natural product of animal origin as a substitute for a varied diet. If you are sensitive to the ingredients, you should inform yourself before taking it.

Storage advice
For storage of the product, we recommend keeping it out of the reach of children in a dark, dry place at room temperature.

Product ingredients
One product pack contains 30 daily rations. Arthro Elast can be used daily indefinitely, but at least for 3 to 4 months. After this time, we recommend reducing the intake to 2-3 sachets per week to maintain the substance care.

Nutritional values per 100g
Calorific value: 1020 KJ / 237 kcal
Protein: 42.0 g
Carbohydrates: 14.7 g
Fat: 0 g
Salt*: 0.9 g
Bread unit: 0.01 BE

Nutrient reference values per sachet (9.5 g) / %NRV**.
Vitamin C: 119 mg / 148.7%
Magnesium citrate: 73.7 mg magnesium / 19.7%

* The salt content comes purely from naturally occurring sodium. No table salt is added.
** Nutrient reference according to VO (EU) No. 1169 / 2011

Take a small amount before use to prevent against any allergic reactions.

Dimensions 18 × 11 × 12 cm


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