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Wax moth tincture
Wax moth (Ognevka, bee moth) is the main pest of bees
The bee moth is the main pest of honeycombs, but it is also a unique beekeeping product useful to humans.
Already in ancient Egypt people learned about its medicinal properties – with the help of the insect long-lived beekeepers strengthened their health.
The insect helped long-lived people to strengthen their immunity, restore their strength and prolonged their youth. Today, wax moths are artificially propagated and produced for the market for the production of pharmaceuticals.

What is the wax moth tincture (Ognevka)?
The wax moth is a species of nocturnal gray butterfly from the firefly family.
It is the only insect in the world that has exceptional biological healing power its natural healing power lies in its many uses: Honey, beeswax, bee pollen and wax.
During their active life, the caterpillars lay eggs in the combs, damage the offspring of the bees, after which they weave a web and destroy the hive.

The wax moth preparation consists of many natural elements
– Amino acids (glutamic acid, aspartic acid)
– biological components, lipase, valine, proline
– Zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements
The enzyme has a wide therapeutic effect, helps with many diseases, restores all processes in the human body.
Due to their animal origin, the larvae of bee butterflies are used in folk medicine as a medicine. They are processed into tinctures, extracts and extracts. Tropical applications include ointments and creams. Based on the reviews of Ognevka is the medical preparations in the form of pellets, capsules and tablets.
Therapeutic properties of wax moth tincture.
Moth tincture has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal and regenerating effect.

The therapeutic properties of wax moth tincture are as follows.
– Improvement of metabolism, elimination of toxins
– Regulation of blood pressure, prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
– normalization of glucose, cholesterol and hemoglobin levels in the blood
– Activation of the energy metabolism
– Prevention of blood clots
– Improvement of the nervous system
– Combat stress and fatigue
– stimulation of the reproductive system (infertility treatment)
– Normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract
– Combating viruses, infections
– Improvement of mental and physical performance
– Increased muscle mass, improved physical resilience
– Prevention of aging processes, positive effects on the skin.

Indications for the application
Hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, anemia, atherosclerosis, cancer.
Tincture of wax moth is effective in pathologies of the genital system.
It eliminates the symptoms of toxicity during pregnancy, promotes rapid conception, increases the speed of sperm, fights impotence and
lower libido.

Take at your own risk!!
Not suitable for children under 6 years!
Children are allowed to take a maximum of 10 drops per day!
The wax moth tincture can cause allergic reactions!

Recommended use:
To ensure that no allergic reactions occur, you should only consume one drop of the wax moth tincture.
If no allergic reactions occur, you can now extend your daily dose daily as indicated:

Day 1: 1 drop
Day 2: 3 drops
Day 3: 5 drops
Day 4: 10 drops
Day 5: 20 drops

For best results, drink plenty of fluids daily. 1.5 liters per day is ideal.
Once you reach the 20 drop mark, you should now take 20 drops daily for the next 30 days.


If you experience allergic symptoms during the first few days of use, we recommend that you reduce the daily dose to the next lower level.
The daily dose of 20 drops must not be exceeded. Use at your own risk.
After this cycle, they take a month’s break. After the break, start taking it again, this time directly with 20 drops in the morning and in the morning, again for a month. After the second month of taking it, they take a break again, but now for 6 months. After the 6 months, take it again for a month and then alternate.



Take a small amount before use to prevent against any allergic reactions.

Weight 0,25 g

20ml, 50ml, 100ml


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