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Royal Jelly Capsules

Our 100% natural BIO royal jelly is produced by freeze-drying in lyophilized form, which ensures a shelf life of up to 3 years. The lyophilized variant has the same properties and application possibilities as the fresh royal jelly. Especially for travelers or people who prefer a capsule, this form of bee supplement is ideal. Our cellulose capsules are vegan and contain inulin as a carrier, which means they can also be consumed by people with gluten or lactose intolerance.

Royal jelly is a creamy yellowish substance of amazing natural power, contained in the forage juice of the queen bee. Consumption of this food juice is exclusively responsible for the development of a queen bee, which can lay up to 2000 eggs a day and has a life expectancy 50 times greater than that of a normal worker bee. Royal jelly is produced by bees in their foraging sap glands specifically for their queen, and its unique composition explains the queen bee’s extraordinary ability to regenerate cells. To ensure the quality of royal jelly, the time of collection is crucial. We harvest our royal jelly before capping, before the larvae have taken up the food. This preserves the full spectrum of biovital substances. If royal jelly is taken at a later stage, it already contains additives that may affect purity and thus quality. Royal jelly capsules have the same range of applications and properties as fresh.

Another important criterion is the origin of the royal jelly, which we obtain from our organic apiaries in France. However, we are not only concerned about the origin of the product, but also about the ecologically responsible management of our bees by our partners.

Our BIO apiaries have been inspected and certified by the French BIO inspection body Qualité France, which is also confirmed by the AB (Agriculture Biologique) quality mark. In addition, we have received further certification by bio.inspecta for our BIO royal jelly in Switzerland. Through regular controls we ensure that the high BIO quality of our product is maintained. Royal jelly is a unique natural product that contains all the necessary vital substances from nature for the whole organism.

100% fresh, natural BIO royal jelly – analysis
HDA 1.9%
Water 66.3 %
Ash 1.1 %
pH 4.3 %
Protein 15,5 %
Glucose 4,6 %
Fructose 5,0 %
Sucrose 1,8 %

Inulin serves as a carrier for our BIO royal jelly and is extracted from the root of the chicory plant. This natural and vegetable fiber has a light sweet taste and can support intestinal activity, especially in diets low in fiber. Since inulin cannot be digested enzymatically in the intestine, but is metabolized by the bacteria of the intestinal flora, it contributes to the optimal metabolism of BIO royal jelly. Thus, a higher bioavailability of the natural substance can be achieved, which is due to a better absorption capacity.

Recommended use
1-2 royal jelly capsules every morning before or at breakfast. For children, reduce to half.

Cure Recommendation
At least
30-120 days or as needed
It is important to follow and not exceed the recommended daily usage. Royal jelly is a natural product of animal origin and should not be used as the sole substitute for a varied diet. Persons who may be sensitive to the ingredients should inform themselves in advance and, if necessary, consult their physician.

Storage advice
Keep the product out of reach of children, dark, dry and cool.

BIO certification
body: bio.inspecta AG CH-BIO-006 Agriculture: UE/Non-UE

Product ingredients
Vegetale Cellulose capsule filled with 250 mg each of BIO royal jelly and 65 mg BIO inulin. One can contains 100 capsules

Nutritional values per 100 g
Calorific value: 1337 KJ / 320 kcal
Fat: 8.4 g
Carbohydrates: 28 g
Protein: 23 g
Bread unit: 0.02 BE

Take a small amount before use to prevent against any allergic reactions.


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