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Drone Royal (Homogenate)

Drone Royal is a thick, creamy liquid with a delicate, sweet taste. This bee product has a mustard yellow color. This product is obtained by juicing small tarantella larvae from their combs. The entire extraction process is performed from freshly extracted individuals. The target for extraction is freshly sealed combs or cells with open and coagulated larvae.
Many people wonder: is drone royale good or bad? When should you consume this bee product and when should you refrain from doing so? Below we answer these frequently asked questions.

Dietary use
In its original form, the product can not be stored for long. It very quickly loses its useful properties. To extend the shelf life, the royal jelly of the drones is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1 and dried under vacuum.
The homogenate is used as a food supplement. The peculiarity of this ingredient is a high content of vitamins and trace elements useful for the organism.
In addition to consumption in pure form and mixed with honey, royal jelly from drones can also be used in the form of pharmacological granules. They are suitable for use as a dietary supplement. As for the dosage, it is better to consult the doctor or a specialist in this field. Based on the physiology and the goal you want to achieve, a course of treatment is prescribed. And in what cases this product helps, we will consider below.

Benefits and harms of using drones Royal (homogenate)
It is a veritable treasure trove of benefits that are so necessary for our body. The product helps stimulate the internal organs to function normally and fight disease. The milk has the following effects:
– restores sleep
– improves the immune system
– restores skin tone
– normalizes the metabolic processes in the body
– Increases appetite
– normalizes the work of blood vessels
– regulates the function of the central nervous system
– replenishes the vitality
– Rejuvenates the body
Special attention is paid to the reproductive system. The homogenate is excellent for both men and women. It improves the production of sex hormones and helps in the treatment of diseases related to the reproductive system, etc.
It is not recommended to use the royal jelly obtained from drone larvae if you are allergic to the product. Do not use it if you suffer from exacerbations, adrenal disease or tumors in the breasts (in women). It should also not be taken before bedtime. It can cause insomnia due to its tonic properties.

Take a small amount before use to prevent against any allergic reactions.

Weight N/A

50 Kapseln, 100 Kapseln


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